If you love to read, starting a book club can be a great way to share your passion with others. Book clubs are social, educational and fun! They can be large or small, and open to any genre of books-from classics to sci-fi. If you’re thinking about starting your own book club, check out our tips below for starting from scratch.

Find and invite people to your book club

Now that you’ve decided to start a book club, it’s time to find people who are interested in reading the books you’re going to read.

If you have friends and family who love reading and talking about books, they’re perfect candidates for being in your book club. They will be able to help you choose a book and then come prepared with their own ideas about what the book means.

If no one comes immediately to mind as potential members of your new club, use social media-Twitter, Facebook, Instagram-to find like-minded individuals interested in reading fiction and nonfiction works alike. You can also post links on online forums or other online communities where people who love reading may congregate (if there aren’t any already).

Finally, try asking people who are already part of your network if they would like to join your group! Most likely they’ll say yes because it’s free entertainment right there at home.

Pick a location for your book club meetings

If you’re not sure what to do for your first meeting, consider picking a location that is easy to find and comfortable. Book club meetings can be held in pretty much any space-from a library or coffee shop to your home-but the ideal setting will depend on the size of your book club. If you want everyone to feel welcome and at ease, pick somewhere where they can sit down comfortably with their drink of choice (you can even get them started by providing a few snacks).

If you’re looking for ideas on where to hold book club meetings, consider asking around in other groups or organizations that meet in public places. Some restaurants might have rooms available for rent, as could some parks or community centers. 

Don’t forget about local libraries! They often host events like storytime sessions during certain hours each day. If not, they may still be able to accommodate small gatherings on off-peak days with advanced planning. Some libraries also offer meeting rooms that are free and easy to access if there are no other options available.

Decide how to choose books

Now that you have a group of people who are interested in joining your book club, the next step is to decide what books to read. This can be a tricky subject because everyone’s tastes differ. Some people like certain genres or authors, while others prefer themes and topics. If you’re looking for the best solution, consider making a mixture of all three options.

If you choose to base it on genre or author, make sure that everyone has read at least one book by each author/in the genre being discussed (unless there’s something about their writing style that seems off-putting). It’s also important not to select too many works by one person if possible. 

Otherwise, your club members might feel overwhelmed with reading material from just one source! On the other hand-if there are several authors whose work appeals strongly enough within this category alone-then go ahead and use them as guides when making decisions later down the line.

Consider how members will access the books

The next step is to consider the logistics of the book club. How many members will be reading the book, and do you need a copy for each member? If so, how will you pay for it?

You can choose to have one person purchase a copy of the book or organize group buys with members if they are interested in buying their own copies. You could also ask people to bring their own copies from home-just make sure everyone agrees on this before starting! If one person has purchased a physical copy of the book, consider using a digital version as well. 

This option allows more flexibility in terms of accessibility if someone wants to read partway through and pick up where they left off later on their own schedule without having access to their physical bookshelf (or without having them physically available).


In conclusion, starting a book club is a great way to enjoy reading with friends. You can start by choosing the books or topics you want to read about. Once you have decided on what to read next, invite some of your friends over for an informal meeting where everyone shares their impressions about the book and discusses other options for future reading material. Book clubs can also be used as a way to meet new people who share similar interests in life. After all, it’s hard not to bond over literature!
